Legal opinion: traffic offenses with an alcohol concentration lower than 0.3 mg/L of alveolar air: impossibility of presuming reckless and inapplicability of the aggravating circumstances of art. 302, §3 and art. 303, §2 of the CTB
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culpa, bafômetro, qualificadoras, infração de trânsito, crime de trânsitoAbstract
Driving a motor vehicle under the influence of less than 0.3 mg/L of alcohol in the alveolar air is a mere traffic infraction, and reckless cannot be presumed in the event of an accident. The aggravating circumstances foreseen in art. 302, §3 and art. 303, §2 of the CTB require criminal relevance for their application. If the lawmaker considered the dosage of less than 0.3 mg/l insignificant to the point of not punishing it in art. 306 of the CTB, for the same reason it should be considered insignificant with regard to the application of aggravating circumstances.
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