Aprimoramento de identidades criminosas: as facções e sua influência na trajetória dos reclusos
Views: 20Keywords:
penitentiary reality, social environment, criminal factions, criminogenic effectAbstract
Brazil’s penitentiary reality is marked by the presence of the criminal factions, groups responsible for changing this social environment. By their turn, these changes influence on how the prisoner will experience the prison. Hence, this paper intends to identify the mechanisms through which this influence may occur, understanding it through the Social Learning Theory, in order to verify the practical effects created in the captive due to the contact with the prison system. By this mean, it is intended to identify how the factions may work as a facilitator factor for the enhancement of a criminal identity, during and after the penalty fulfilment, what is called criminogenic effect, making it difficult to deterrence from the applied sanction to take place.
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