The limits of jurisprudence in the criminal jurisdiction

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Criminal System, Interpretation, Jurisprudence, Limits , Civil Law


Starting from the Enlightenment pillars of the "Classical School" of Criminal Law, and through contemporary penalism, the text makes a historical and critical analysis of the limits and criteria of application of jurisprudence within criminal jurisdiction, in view of the crisis installed by the contradictory and infactible claim of coexistence of the structuring vectors of civil law and common law within the Brazilian legal system, leading it to crisis and weakening fundamental rights and guarantees. Having as its object the limits of jurisprudence in the criminal jurisdiction, the text will present the main distinctions between the systems of civil law and common law, the degrees of binding and the functions of precedents in the Brazilian legal system, to, in its final part, after analyzing controversial issues, such as legal realism and constructivism, indicate the risks to democracy arising from systemic instability caused by a worrying degree of decisionism. Nowadays Brazilian politics, the weightings formulated are justified in the face of the daily expansion of populist discourses aimed at the annulment of the judiciary, especially its maximum organ, the Supreme Court, as an instrument of containment to totalitarian and extremist claims of occasion. 


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Author Biography

Leandro Gornicki Nunes , Universidade da Região de Joinville (Univille)

Doutor e Mestre em Direito do Estado pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Especialista em Direito Penal pela Universidade de Salamanca (USAL), e, Professor de Direito Penal e Criminologia na Universidade da Região de Joinville (Univille).

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How to Cite

Gornicki Nunes , L. (2022). The limits of jurisprudence in the criminal jurisdiction . Brazilian Journal of Criminal Science, 188(188), 163–194. Retrieved from
