Algorithmization of criminal justice: an analysis of the software compas and its biases
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Judicial decision, Artificial intelligence, Algorithmic justice, Algorithmic fairness, Racial biasAbstract
The present study analyzes the functioning of COMPAS, an application that awards notes to criminal offenders to support the judicial decision on arrest or provisional release, a reference from which it seeks to describe the relationship between artificial intelligence and law, explain what is algorithmic justice and evaluate the existence of biases, even in supposedly objective and neutral systems. The methodology used was bibliographic-documentary investigation, with qualitative, quantitative, descriptive, and exploratory approach regarding the objectives. The conclusion is that the use of algorithms will require familiarity with concepts of logic, mathematics and statistics to substantiate or oppose decisions, that can be observed bias in software even if they respect the parameters of algorithmic justice, and that the reproduction of these biases in different scenarios indicates that these distortions are outside the algorithms and may represent a manifestation of structural racism.
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