Criminal Legislative Policy: the construction of the field of study in Brazil

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  • Chiavelli Facenda Falavigno Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Florianópolis/SC
  • Marcelo Buttelli Ramos Universidade de Caixas do Sul (UCS)


Editorial, Politica Criminal, Politica legislativa


Thinking about the actions of legislators in a critical and scientific way is a challenge that, for a long time, was not part of the research agenda of many postgraduate law programs in the country. Even though Brazil is part of the Western Civil Law legal family, that is, even though legislation, especially in the criminal sphere, is admittedly the primary source of information about criminalized behaviour, the gaze of legal researchers has been largely directed towards dogma and jurisprudence. It is argued that the primary process of criminalization, in disconcerting contrast to the analysis of the secondary process of criminality (which deals with the application of the rules approved by Parliament by the criminal justice system), has been relegated to political opportunism and improvisation


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Author Biographies

Chiavelli Facenda Falavigno , Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Florianópolis/SC

Professora Adjunta de Direito Penal e Processo Penal da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Coordenadora do Departamento de Política Legislativa do IBCCRIM. Currículo Lattes:

Marcelo Buttelli Ramos, Universidade de Caixas do Sul (UCS)

Professor de Direito Penal Econômico e Processo Penal em cursos de pós-graduação na Universidade de Caixas do Sul (UCS), no Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa (IDP) e na Universidade do Vale dos Sinos (UNISINOS, Campus POA). Coordenador-adjunto do Departamento de Política Legislativa do IBCCRIM. Currículo Lattes:  


DÍEZ RIPOLLÉS, José Luis. Un modelo dinámico de legislación penal. In: DÍEZ RIPOLLÉS, José Luis (coord.). La ciencia del derecho penal ante el nuevo siglo: homenaje al profesor doctor don José Cerezo Mir. [S. l.]: Tecnos, p. 291-330, 2002, p. 292.

DÍEZ RIPOLLÉS, José Luis. La racionalidad legislativa penal: decisiones en un procedimiento socio-legislativo complejo. In: OLIVER-LALANA, A. Daniel (ed.). La legislación en serio: estudios sobre derecho y legisprudencia. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 2019. p. 119-170. p. 131



How to Cite

Facenda Falavigno , C., & Buttelli Ramos, M. (2024). Criminal Legislative Policy: the construction of the field of study in Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Criminal Science, 203(203), 17–21. Retrieved from
