International previous: the subjection of civilians, in peace time, to military jurisdiction
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Precedents of the International Courts of Human Rights, Cosmopolitan Constitutionalism, Criminal Law and Military Criminal Procedure, Military Crime and Competence, Subjection of Civilians, Military Justice, Contemporary factual and legal infeasibilityAbstract
The subjection of civilians, in peacetime, to military jurisdiction, is a matter that crossnational borders. All states that have chosen to monopolize the legitimate use of force through armed forces and, consequently, establish a specialized justice system to ensure the operational hygiene of these troops, have found themselves (or still see themselves) in the face of this problem: eventually, individuals unrelated to (civilian) to the systematic hierarchy and discipline end up being subjected to the specific yoke of this state affliction. International jurisprudence on the subject is vast. The contemporary dogmatic contributions of Dialogue of the Courts, Conventionality Control and Cosmopolitan Constitutionalism give a new color to this framework of judicial decisions, a move to guide the direction of Brazilian criminal-military public policies on the subject. The hypothesis of this article is that, once the factual circumstances underlying the Brazilian scenario have changed, the subjection of civilians to military justice is no longer legally justified. The method used is analytical-deductive, through research of norms, jurisprudence and doctrine.
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Tabela 1 – Precedentes da CIDH: inadmissibilidade da jurisdição militar sobre civis
Loayza Tamayo X Peru (1997)
Castillo Petruzzi e outros X Peru (1999)
Cesti-Hurtado X Peru (1999)
Durand e Ugarte X Peru (2000)
Cantoral Benavides X Peru (2000)
Lori Berenson Mejía X Peru (2004)
La Cantuta X Peru (2006)
Las Palmeras X Colômbia (2000)
Comerciantes X Colômbia (2002)
Massacre de Mapiripán X Colômbia (2005)
Pueblo Bello X Colômbia (2006)
Massacre da Rochela X Colômbia (2008)
Escué Zapata X Colômbia (2008)
Tio Tojín X Guatemala (2008)
Rosendo Radilla X México (2009)
Palamara Iribarne X Chile (2006)
Tabela 2 – Precedentes da CEDH: inadmissibilidade da jurisdição militar sobre civis
Ergin X Turquia (2006)
Kononov X Letônia (2008)
Korbely X Hungria (2010)
Hassan X Reino Unido (2014)
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