Is it possible the application of the willful blindness doctrine in Brazil?

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Willful Blindness, Willful Blindness Doctrine, Knowledge, Dolo Eventual


In this article, it will be analyzed the concepts of willful blindness and willful blindness doctrine in the American criminal law system and the differences among the culpability forms defined in the Model Penal Code and the forms of criminal imputation called dolo and imprudência in the Brazilian criminal law. After this, it will be analyzed the possibility of classification of the willful blindness behavior in the dolo eventual category in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Andreas Eisele, Ministério Público de Santa Catarina - MPSC

Doutor em Direito pela Universidad de Navarra. Mestre em Direito Penal pela Universidad de Sevilla. Mestre em Direito do Estado pela UFPR. Procurador de Justiça do Ministério Público de Santa Catarina. Currículo Lattes: 



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How to Cite

Eisele, A. (2024). Is it possible the application of the willful blindness doctrine in Brazil?. Brazilian Journal of Criminal Science, 203(203), 215–235. Retrieved from
