Videos and photographs on trial: the mith of totality and transparence, the central role of the context and the weight of combined evidence

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  • Vitor de Paula Ramos Universidade de Girona - Espanha


Evidence, Videos, Photographs, Epistemology applied to criminal procedure, Semiotics applied to criminal procedure, Weight of combined evidence


The present study is aimed to demonstrate that the analysis of videos and photographs is far from being independent of interpretation, as if the meanings obtained were transparent to any person and as if the video or the photograph had all the necessary elementos for its interpretation. The careless analysis of this kind of evidence may cause very concrete perils of distortion of meaning in respect to the facts that really happened, masked by false certainties of objectivity and totality. After presenting the current situation of the subject, the article presents lessons of general epistemology and of semiotics. After that, using practical examples, the article presents the disastrous consequences that the isolated and contextless analysis of this kind of evidence might have for the criminal procedure.


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Author Biography

Vitor de Paula Ramos, Universidade de Girona - Espanha

Doutor em Direito, Economia e Empresa pela Universidade de Girona (Espanha), cum laude. Mestre e Doutor em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), onde se graduou com láurea acadêmica. Professor do Mestrado em Razonamiento Probatorio da Universidade de Girona (Espanha) e nos cursos de pós-graduação lato sensu em Processo Civil da PUCRS e da Uniritter. Professor convidado em diversos cursos de Processo Civil e Direito Probatório, no Brasil e no Exterior. Membro efetivo do Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual (IBDP). Membro do Conselho Assessor da Revista Internacional de Direito Probatório Quaestio Facti. Autor de livros publicados pela RT e pela Marcial Pons (Espanha), artigos publicados no Brasil e no exterior, além de traduções jurídicos. Advogado atuante no RS e em SP, sócio do Silveiro Advogados. Lattes CV:


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How to Cite

Ramos, V. de P. (2024). Videos and photographs on trial: the mith of totality and transparence, the central role of the context and the weight of combined evidence. Brazilian Journal of Criminal Science, 185(185). Retrieved from
