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Socio-environmental harms, Neoliberalism, Corporate crimes, Environmental victims, Green cultural criminologyAbstract
The work deals with the harms caused by the intensification of the exploitation of nature from neoliberalism, especially in the global South. In view of this, it is guided by the following question: how can socio-environmental harms systematically denied through discourse be made visible and valued in the context of neoliberal rationality? This is a qualitative, exploratory research, with a bibliographic survey and analysis of examples of cases of Vale dam failures. The study is initially dedicated to understanding ways to make visible and to resist socio-environmental damage, based on methodologies and epistemologies that add complexity to the field of criminology, with a special focus on green cultural criminology. After, the work explains and discusses the corporate strategies of organized irresponsibility, which permeate the capture of science, narrative disputes and techniques of neutralization. Simultaneously, it addresses ways of overcoming this process, with special attention to popular narratives based on a counter-hegemonic production of knowledge about the interactions between human beings and nature, especially from those who are directly more exposed to these harms. Thus, we conclude that green cultural criminology is a potent field, which has practical and conceptual resources capable of questioning the dominant rationality, making visible and preventing harms.
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