Non-consensual deepfake porn:

searching for a model of criminalization

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  • Me. Paulo Gustavo Rodrigues Universidade de Lisboa - Lisboa/Portugal



Deepfake, Non consensual pornography, Image-Based Sexual Abuse, Sexual Freedom, Internet Control


The phenomenon of deepfakes is relatively recent and potentially devastating. The possibility of images and videos manipulation to insert the face and voice of another person brings with itself several legal and ilegal perspectives of use. Despite the possibility of using the technology in commercial and contractually legitimate ways, it is known that the dilution of the boundaries of reality in mass audiovisual materials can be used for public humiliation of female sexuality. The present work will seek to understand the phenomenon in such perspective, from a criminological perspective, in order to contribute to the identification of essential elements for a criminalization process. In this context, it will seek to identify which contributions can be extracted from the existing normative constructions. Deepfakes are studied as an evolution in the image-based sexual abuse, in which the offender does not depend on the willingness of the victim in participating in the sex scene, but is free to artificially develop the sexual behavior that he deems most offensive to her sexual dignity. The criminal models brought by foreign legislation will be presented and studied in search of the construction of an ideal type that contemplates the punitive sphere but also meets the needs of control of networks to mitigate the unbridled sharing of this type of material.


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Author Biography

Me. Paulo Gustavo Rodrigues, Universidade de Lisboa - Lisboa/Portugal

Doutorando em Ciencias Jurídico-Criminais na Universidade de Lisboa (UL). Mestre em Direito Público pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas (2018). Graduado em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas (2010). Especializado em Ciências Criminais, com aperfeiçoamento em dogmática penal pelo Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights e pela Universidade de Goettingen. Atualmente é Assessor de Magistrado no Tribunal de Justiça de Pernambuco. Professor de disciplinas na área das Ciências Penais na Graduação da Faculdade de Direito da UNINASSAU (AL) e SEUNE (AL), além das Pós Graduações de diversas outras instituições de ensino.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, M. P. G. (2023). Non-consensual deepfake porn:: searching for a model of criminalization. Brazilian Journal of Criminal Science, 199(199), 277–311.
