On the discretion of the Public Prosecutor's Office in the ANPP and its judicial control: a proposal for legality

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  • Dr. Guilherme Brenner Lucchesi Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR - Curitiba/PR
  • Dr. Marlus Heriberto Arns de Oliveira Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná - PUCPR - Curitiba/PR https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0317-8093


Non-Prosecution Agreement, Discretion, Legality


This article aims to present a critique on the negotial model instated by the non-prosecution agreement, as established by Law No. 13964/2019. First, the requirement of a confession to strike a deal is criticized, due to the risk of converting the agreement in an adhesion contract. Likewise, the requirement of certain conditions and the manner in which the accusation is conveyed has the potential to confer excessive discretionary power on the prosecution, which tends to behave more as an authority and less as a party to the agreement. Considering the proposition of a non-prosecution agreement as a duty of the Public Prosecutor's Office in cases where the authorizing legal requirements are present, the possibility of judicial action is defended to ensure an effective negotiation between the prosecution and the defense.


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Author Biographies

Dr. Guilherme Brenner Lucchesi, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR - Curitiba/PR

Doutor em Direito pela UFPR. Professor da Faculdade de Direito da UFPR. Presidente do IBDPE. Coordenador regional adjunto do IBCCRIM no Paraná. Advogado. Lattes CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1512135510310992

Dr. Marlus Heriberto Arns de Oliveira, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná - PUCPR - Curitiba/PR

Doutor em Direito pela PUC/PR. Vice-presidente do IBDPE. Membro do IBCCRIM. Advogado. Lattes CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/5739028993126392


BRASIL. Ministério da Justiça e da Segurança Pública. EM n.º 00014/2019 MJSP, de 31 jan. 2019. Disponível em: <https://www.camara.leg.br/proposicoesWeb/prop_mostrarintegra?codteor=1712088>. Acesso em 11 mar. 2021.

FIGUEIREDO DIAS, Jorge de. Direito processual penal. Coimbra: Coimbra, 1974.



How to Cite

Brenner Lucchesi, D. G., & Arns de Oliveira, D. M. H. (2023). On the discretion of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the ANPP and its judicial control: a proposal for legality. Boletim IBCCRIM, 29(344), 26–28. Retrieved from https://publicacoes.ibccrim.org.br/index.php/boletim_1993/article/view/733
