About the Journal

General information about the journal

Name: Boletim IBCCRIM
Responsible party: Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais (IBCCRIM)
Format: printed and digital
Year of creation: 1993 (without interruptions)
Frequency: monthly
Receipt of manuscripts: continuous flow and special notices

ISSN (Print): 1676-3661 / ISSN (Electronic): 2965-937X

Electronic address: bolso@ibccrim.org.br

No article processing fees


Editorial line:

The Boletim do IBCCRIM is a free monthly publication, in circulation since 1993, which presents highly relevant works on current topics in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law, Criminology and Human Rights, as well as a collection of case law from national courts concerning criminal sciences

In order to cover this editorial scope, the journal is divided into in the following sections:

a) Doctrine Notebook (Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure; Criminology; Human Rights; Childhood and Youth)

b) Jurisprudence Notebook (State Courts; Higher Courts; International Courts)

Furthermore, the Bulletin, aiming at the dialogue between the structuring of a solid doctrine in criminal sciences and its impact on judicial practice, also has the fixed column Dialogues. In this section, an author will discuss a certain controversial topic that is at the center of the pragmatic and academic debate. In the subsequent publication, a second author will make critical comments, also in text form, on the original article. In a third moment, if there is interest, the author of the original text may comment on the criticisms made in the previous edition.

The idea of ​​this space coincides with the spirit that inspires the rescue of the necessary dogmatic dialogue between various scholars, in order to promote a genuine debate on the most diverse themes of criminal science.

Finally, aiming to disseminate important scientific works published nationally and internationally, especially academic research, there is the Critical Reviews section, which presents brief comments on such publications, providing criticism and encouraging scientific debate. Occasionally, interviews assessed by the coordinators as relevant to promoting scientific debate concerning the scope of the journal will also be accepted and published.