Sobre o conceito de culpabilidade e exclusão social

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Freedom, Guilt, Social Exclusion, Recognition


The present article will focus on the issue of the extent to which the socially excluded citizen may be punished on the basis of an act contrary to the law as if he were a full-fledged citizen. If the person affected by a criminal norm does not have concrete access to positive, fundamental, constitutionally provided basic rights such as health, education, culture, work, quality food, basic sanitation, security and quality habitation, among others, would it be at all fair that these concrete conditions are not considered by the criminal law dogmatics of a crime? The aim of this article is to deal with these conditions in connection with the criminal concept of guilt, and to do so by engaging with Günther's approach.


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Author Biographies

Dr. Bruno Tadeu Buonicore, Centro Universitário de Brasília – CEUB

Doutor em Direito Penal pela Universidade de Frankfurt – Summa cum laude. Professor Titular (graduação,

mestrado e doutorado) no Centro Universitário de Brasília – CEUB. Assessor de Ministro do STF.


Me. Gilberto Guerra Pedrosa, Universidade de Frankfurt - Alemanha

Doutorando em História do Direito pela Universidade de Frankfurt; Pesquisador do Instituto Max Planck de História do Direito e Teoria do Direito.



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How to Cite

Tadeu Buonicore, D. B. ., & Guerra Pedrosa, M. G. . (2024). Sobre o conceito de culpabilidade e exclusão social. Brazilian Journal of Criminal Science, 196(196), 167–193. Retrieved from


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