The sentencing principles of equality and proportionality from a feminist perspective:
exploring possibilities of positive gender discrimination at sentencing
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Criminology, feminism, sentencing, equality, proportionalityAbstract
In a scenario of growing female incarceration, gender-differentiated sentencing has been widely discussed abroad, aiming at reducing prison sentences. Brazilian scholarship must engage with such debate. This study sets out to answer the following question: from a feminist criminological perspective, is it possible to reconcile the idea of a differentiated sentencing regime for women and the fundamental rights to equality and proportionality in sentencing? Building upon the ideas of domination and patriarchy (Lerner, MacKinnon, and Walby), the study repels gender neutrality/insensitivity at sentencing. Equality and proportionality cannot be the only relevant considerations in sentencing. Positive gender discrimination is a requirement of substantive justice. In this inductive research, we formulate some conclusions about the possibility of adopting a gender-differentiated sentencing system, based on national and international empirical data, as well as criminological research that proves the particular impact of the use of prison sentence for women. Thus, the study explores some possibilities, including a new sentencing purpose: emancipation/empowerment.
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