Gender violence and pandemic

new processes of revitimization from the view of feminist criminology

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  • Catharina Fernandez Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Rio Grande do Sul, PUC/RS, Brasil.


Pandemic, Domestic violence, Victimology, Over-victimization, Feminist criminology


This article aims to glimpse at the effects caused by the pandemic state imposed by COVID-19, culminating in the institution of long periods os cases of gender violence in the domestic and family sphere, using, therefore, terms of concepts related to feminist criminology, and victimology, with the goal to identify new processes of victimization and over-victimization, when the criminal system is appealed to. 


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Author Biography

Catharina Fernandez, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Rio Grande do Sul, PUC/RS, Brasil.

Pós-graduada em Direito Penal e Criminologia pela PUCRS. Bacharela Interdisciplinar em Humanidades com ênfase em Estudos e em Direito pela UFBA. Membra do IBCCRIM. Advogada Criminalista. 


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How to Cite

Fernandez, C. (2024). Gender violence and pandemic: new processes of revitimization from the view of feminist criminology . Boletim IBCCRIM, 29(348), 21–23. Retrieved from
