The jury and its subjects

even when we'll scream “Science!!!!” For the science of other scientists?

Views: 38


  • Thiago Anastácio Comissão de Defesa do Estado Democrático de Direito da OAB-RJ


Jury, Legitimacy, Criminal proceedings, Sworn, Institutions, Policy, Legislation and political forces, Science and advancement


The judgment by the Jury ceased to live in the meditation of professionals and scientists in procedural science and the main concerns observed by militant professionals are far removed from academic and legislative conversations. What are the main concerns of today? When and what are the reasons for the citizen-juror to be regarded with suspicion as a worse judge than the professional judge? And the jurors, for what reasons were the legislative changes based on a game of political forces of the institutions and left the jury's understanding of facts and evidence aside?


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Author Biography

Thiago Anastácio, Comissão de Defesa do Estado Democrático de Direito da OAB-RJ

Advogado. Ex-Diretor do Instituto de Defesa do Direito de Defesa.



How to Cite

Anastácio, T. (2024). The jury and its subjects : even when we’ll scream “Science!!!!” For the science of other scientists?. Boletim IBCCRIM, 29(349), 29–30. Retrieved from