Criminal justice structure

the possibility of separating the litigation and negotiation models and a further proposition

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  • Fernanda Regina Vilares Universidade de São Paulo, USP, Brasil.


Structure, Criminal Justice, Biases, Consensus


The article offers an approach about institutional structures, mainly in the Prosecutor’s Office, in order to better understand the organization of the essential elements to carry out the different ways to resolve conflicts: litigation and negotiation. Focusing on the personal element, it points out the inadequacy of the litigation-oriented members to participate in the legal settlements and/or negotiations. At last, the article suggests that consensus in the Brazilian Criminal Procedure should be enhanced in order to reach effective pacification in conflicts.


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Author Biography

Fernanda Regina Vilares, Universidade de São Paulo, USP, Brasil.

Doutora e Mestre em Direito Processual Penal pela USP. Procuradora da Fazenda Nacional. Professora da FGVLaw e IDP.


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How to Cite

Regina Vilares, F. (2024). Criminal justice structure: the possibility of separating the litigation and negotiation models and a further proposition. Boletim IBCCRIM, 30(350), 6–8. Retrieved from