The “periculum in mora” in decree 3.240/41 and the oscilations of the jurisprudence of the superior court of justice
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Criminal Procedure, Assurance Measures, Seizure of Assets, Decree 3.240/41, Periculum in MoraAbstract
This article intends to provide a brief reflection about the oscillation verified in the Superior Court of Justice jurisprudence regarding the configuration of the "periculum in mora" as a prerequisite for the seizure of assets based on Decree 3.240/41. In this sense, the paper addresses the two jurisprudential currents related to the theme in order to challenge the line of thought that assumes the verification of the aforementioned prerequisite as unnecessary and, beyond that, intend to demonstrate that the arguments that support this controversial line of thought are inspired by a hermeneutic that ignores that the criminal procedure should serve as an instrument to defend the legal and constitutional rights of the citizens.
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