Notes to a queer critical criminology
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Critical criminology, Queer theory, LGBTQIAP+, Homophobia, TransphobiaAbstract
In this work, we discuss the specificity of a criminology dedicated especially to the study of homophobic and transphobic violence, but one that is based on the treatment given by critical criminology to crime, the criminal, the victim and social control. Our objective is that, through an exploratory research and a bibliographic review of the works produced on the subject, we develop some notes for the construction of a queer critical criminology, that is, an incursion of the queer theory in the theoretical and practices carried out by the critical criminology in the hegemonized scenario of the orthodox criminology. In this sense, we bring some reflections on the possibilities of studying violence against LGBTQIAP+ people outside the limits of heterocisnormativity.
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