Whistleblowing hotline and the figure of the whistleblower
anonymous report as an effective tool of the integrity program
Views: 69Keywords:
Integrity program, Compliance, Hotline, Anti-corruption lawAbstract
The objective is to discuss one of mechanisms supporting a good integrity program: whistleblowing hotline. To this end, it analyzes the reality of those who use the channel, the whistleblowers, whose function is to report an illicit practice, and, accompanied by this denunciation are consequences such as the possibility of retaliation and the famous and popular labeling of “whistleblower”, in some extreme cases even putting their career and life at risk. To avoid the negative effects that the use of the hotline can cause and put at risk part of the foundation of the compliance culture, it is important that the whistleblowing hotline are provided in the anonymous mode; although there is no specific legislation that regulates the means of implementation, research shows that the format for receiving confidential and anonymous reports has been the most effective way.
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