The increase of violence in criminal execution with the law 13.964/14
Views: 47Keywords:
Prison System, Prison, Penal Execution, DisciplineAbstract
Serving time on Brazil is a structural malfunction of the society and the legal system, and its chaotic situation has steadily worsened on the last decades. On the other way, the recent Law 13.964/19 headed project that aimed an improvement on the criminal legislation, also aiming on an enhancement of penal execution. However, the changes made to the Penal Execution Law not only fall short in terms of improvement, but also have a negative impact on functioning of the penitentiary system. In the changes, there is a severe hardening of discipline in the Differentiated Disciplinary Regime, and a complex remodeling on the system of regime progression benefits. These changes, when stared by a critical look, converge to a probable and unwanted worsening in the prison sentence.
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