Approximation between willful imputation and mental state of knowledge of guilty mind

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Deceit, Subjective Imputation, Knowledge, Guilty Mind


The article discusses how it would be possible to approach the understanding of the subjective imputation of criminal liability in the civil law and common law systems, in the face of criminal conduct adopted by an individual possessing knowledge. Therefore, it analyzes the general subjective element of the penal type in the civil law system, the deceit, in a normative perspective of its volitional element, as well as the mental state of knowledge of the guilty mind of the common law system.


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Author Biography

Wanessa Carneiro Molinaro Ferreira Serafim, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ - Rio de Janeiro/RJ

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How to Cite

Carneiro Molinaro Ferreira Serafim, W. (2023). Approximation between willful imputation and mental state of knowledge of guilty mind. Boletim IBCCRIM, 28(333), 25–28. Retrieved from