The principle of insignificance and the reiteration of the conduct in the non prosecution agreement

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  • Gustavo de Carvalho Guadanhin Universidade de São Paulo - USP - São Paulo/SP


Principle of insignificance, Reiteration of the conduct, Non prosecution agreement


Given the provision of novel art. 28-A, § 2, II, of the Criminal Procedure Code, the interaction between the institutes of reiteration of conduct and the principle of insignificance, already present in forensic daily life, is fundamental for the exegesis of this rule. In this light, the reiteration of the investigated conduct, a broader concept than recidivism and bad antecedents, implies the impossibility of concluding the non prosecution agreement, except if the records found point to criminally insignificant facts. Thus, the technical sense of expression should be privileged, in order to enable the conclusion of the agreement to those who, although showing signs of reiteration of conduct in the last five years, in these occurrences there has been the application of insignificance and the event is not present. inserted in a single factual context, in the face of the same victim, with significant final result.


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Author Biography

Gustavo de Carvalho Guadanhin, Universidade de São Paulo - USP - São Paulo/SP

Mestre em Direito Penal pela USP. Procurador da República. Lattes CV:


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How to Cite

de Carvalho Guadanhin, G. (2024). The principle of insignificance and the reiteration of the conduct in the non prosecution agreement. Boletim IBCCRIM, 29(338), 10–12. Retrieved from