Union criminal law: the other side of the coin
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Criminal trade union law , Trade union right, Criminalization of social/union movements, Countermajoritarian criminal lawAbstract
This essay intends to bring to the legal debate, the hypothesis of a specialty that has been forgotten by the doctrine and legal operators of criminal law. It is a field of the renowned economic criminal law, but which encompasses counter-majoritarian themes. If on one hand we have corporate criminal law that has been systematized over the last few decades, and, moreover, has been treated with leniency; at this stage, we have the use of criminal law as an instrument of intimidation and repression of union activities. Therefore, the guarantees and immunities of the union mandate must be reviewed. On the other hand, there are countless collective rights that have historically gained criminal relevance, are today protected by the legal system, and have profound effects and consequences on work relationships. Unions and trade unions must also be aware of these new/old issues such as racism, discriminatory issues against women and LGBTQIA+ communities, crimes against children and the environment, and countless other topics of interest to all young people that have seriously repercussions now at days and are of interest in this brief article, in labor relations and the exercise of the union mandate. That said, this essay proposes a debate on the field that we currently call trade union criminal law.
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