Legislative inconsistency, plea bargain and increase of penalties
Views: 26Keywords:
Plea Bargain, National Congress, Legislative ProcessAbstract
This article analyzes legislative process and plea bargain. In the last decades, the legislative power has introduced several mechanisms of plea bargain into the Brazilian normative system, such as the criminal transaction, conditional suspension of the criminal procedure, civil composition, plea deal and, in 2020, the non-prosecution agreement. Paradoxically, the Congress discusses and votes on bills that aim to increase penalties, in order to inhibit the very mechanisms of plea bargain that were introduced by Congress. This article explores this attitude of the National Congress through the analysis of the plea bargain mechanisms and the recent laws No. 14,133 / 2021 (New Bidding Law), No. 14,064 / 2020 (Law amending the Environmental Crimes Law) as well law No. 14.155/2021 (which increases penalties for crimes committed by virtual means).
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