It will have contemporaneity in socio-educational measures of imprisonment after the covid-14 pandemic?
Views: 55Keywords:
Teenager, Socio-educational measure, Covid-19 pandemic, Principles, IdentityAbstract
The present article intends to debate if the impositon of socio-educational measures for teenagers that have been in freedom since the beging of the Covid-19 pandemic will respect the principles of the Child and Adolecence’s Estatute (ECA). Thereby we have proposed an analysis of the main principles of the socio-educational measures, as well as a bibliografic balance related to the identity’s construction of teenagers. The formation of identity is very intense in the adolescence, and it’s influenced by various factores. Given the changes so caracteristic of this fase, we sugest the inadequacy of the imprisonment of the teens that have been in freedom for the last six months.
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