The importance of data on reincidence for the improvement of public policies of the socio-educational system
Views: 77Keywords:
Infraction Recidivism, Socio-Educational System, Public PoliciesAbstract
In order to understand the infraction recidivism and develop public policies to be implemented in the socio-educational system, it is essential to know the risk indicators that favor its occurrence. Although Law 12.594/12 makes mandatory a national database to be instituted and fed by federated entities in an integrated manner, the main data available on the subject do not originate from the government, as prescribed by law. The scarcity of information reflects the lack of governmental interest in acting on this issue concerning the protection of children and teenagers in situations of vulnerability. The state inertia about the possibility of a transparente system reveals the intention of opacity, preventing inspections and facilitating governmental anti-democratic totalitarianism.
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