(In)compatibility between the eventual intent and the attempt
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Penal dogmatic, Eventual intent, Incompatibility, AttemptAbstract
In this brief text, aims to verify the (in)compatibility of the dolus eventualis with the attempt. For this purpose, the position of the national doctrine on the nature of that subjective category is analyzed. From the majority understanding, the reasons why the incongruity is stated are presented, namely: the significant reduction of the volitional element in the eventual intent and the inherent demand of this element in the figure of the attempt. Finally, analyzing the precedent of the Superior Court of Justice, in addition to verifying which line was followed, a critique is structured as to the fundamentals used. This is done to show that, by combining that subjective category with the attempt, the dogmatic limits imposed by the legal system are violated and the scope of the punitive power is inadequately extended.
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