Suppression of the habeas corpus warranty in the Kiss case
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Habeas Corpus, Constitutional guarantees, Nightclub KissAbstract
The tragedy of the Kiss Nightclub gained national repercussion and, last December, it was judged at the Jury Court. However, the main controversy that arose from the trial came precisely from the Supreme Court. On December 16th, Justice Luiz Fux, as a matter of fact, prevented the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul from granting Habeas Corpus to the accused. In the limit, there was suppression of the guarantee of Habeas Corpus. If such decision is upheld by the Supreme Court, however, Brazil could be condemned in the Inter-American System of Human Rights. In view of this situation, in the light of the Federal Constitution, the fundamental role that the Plenary of the Supreme Court will play in the judgment of the specific case is evident.
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