Racism and drugs act in Brazil
punitive rigor as instrument of coloniality
Views: 82Keywords:
Drug trafficking, Drugs act, Racism, Decoloniality, Social controlAbstract
Brazilian Drugs Act is responsible for high rates of incarceration. The law grants a wide margin of discretionary to the judiciary. Data from National Penitentiary Department Information System show that the great incarceration affects a specific public composed of young, black, low income and low education level people. The decolonial critique allows us to understand the law as an instrument of social control. The research problem is established around the understanding of the meaning of the mass incarceration of the black population in Brazil, raising the hypothesis that the drug law is a racist instrument of coloniality. After the dialogue established in that article, the hypothesis remains proven, demonstrating the use of the Brazilian penal system in maintaining the subordination of the black population.
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