Admissibility and validity of evidence obtained through telephone interceptions and the role of the Public Prosecutor’s Office

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  • Bruno Emanuel Setubal Learte Ministério Público do Maranhão - Laboratório de Tecnologia Contra Lavagem de Dinheiro (LAB-LD)



criminal investigation, procedural, data, telephone tapping, fundamental rights


This article analyzes the admissibility and validity of evidence obtained through telephone interceptions, focusing on the role of the Brazilian Public Prosecutor's Office (MP). Interceptions are regulated by Law 9.296/1996, which imposes strict requirements for their authorization, such as the need for a reasoned court order and the demonstration of just cause. The article explores the criteria for admissibility of evidence obtained by this means and the challenges faced by the Public Prosecutor's Office in ensuring that the measure is conducted within legal parameters, respecting fundamental rights and ensuring investigative effectiveness in criminal prosecution.


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Author Biography

Bruno Emanuel Setubal Learte, Ministério Público do Maranhão - Laboratório de Tecnologia Contra Lavagem de Dinheiro (LAB-LD)

Public servant at the Maranhão Public Prosecutor's Office. Experienced professional with solid strategic knowledge in information security, including risk assessment and management, compliance with best practices, IT service management. Graduated in Computer Networks (Faculdade Laboro); Postgraduate in Ethical Hacking Cybersecurity UNICIV (Londrina-PR); Postgraduate in Computer Forensics and Digital Forensics IPOG (São Luís-MA); Postgraduate in Law, Cybersecurity and Cyberdefense (VERBO JURÍDICO); Postgraduate in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure (VERBO JURÍDICO); Law student (IESF), Extension Course in Digital Law at the Higher School of the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office (ESMPU), Expert in Computer Forensics and Cyber Investigation (Judicial, Private and Administrative Expertise) in the area of Computer Forensics, Judicial Expert accredited by the Court of Justice of the State of Maranhão under No. 1603. Consultant in Information Security, Data Protection and Privacy, Researcher and author of a book by Editora Novas Edições Acadêmicas, National Register of Experts under n 022449. Knowledge of project management. Member of the Brazilian Society of Forensic Sciences (SBCF); Member of the National Association of Data Privacy Professionals (ANPPD); Member of the Brazilian Academy of Forensic Sciences (ABCF); International Certifications: CyberSecurity Analyst (CSA) - ITCERTS; ITC-002:CyberSecurity Foundation (ISO/IEC 27032) v2 ; ITC-007


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How to Cite

Learte, B. E. S. (2025). Admissibility and validity of evidence obtained through telephone interceptions and the role of the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Boletim IBCCRIM, 33(388), 24–28.



Dossiê: "Desafios atuais do Ministério Público na persecução penal"