(In)applicability of the “foregone conclusion” doctrine and access to encrypted devices in Brazilian Criminal Procedural Law
Views: 107Keywords:
Encrypted Devices;, Right not to self-incrimination;, Foregone Conclusion;, Brazilian Criminal Procedural LawAbstract
This article aims to analyze the applicability of the US “foregone conclusion” doctrine in Brazilian Criminal Procedural Law, in criminal investigation situations that seek to access computer data stored in encrypted devices, whose access is based on personal passwords or biometric sensors. It starts with the study of American cases on which this doctrine is based, specifying its criteria and application possibilities, in order to later confront them with the rules of Brazilian Criminal Procedural Law, notably the Right to non-self-incrimination and the presumption of innocence as a treatment rule, a judgment rule, and an evidence rule. Precedents from the Brazilian Superior Courts are used to confirm the arguments adopted and to establish conclusions.
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