Non-Persecution Agreement - The Retroactivity of the Mixed Criminal Law and the Possibility of Agreements After the Procedural I
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Negotiating Criminal Justice, Retroactivity Penal Law, Procedural LawAbstract
This research seeks to provide a brief overview of the expansion of negotiation spaces, both in Brazil and in some international examples. More specifically in Brazilian law, the newest negotiation mechanism inserted in the Criminal Procedure Code by Law No. 13.964/2019 will be analyzed, namely: the Non-Criminal Persecution Agreement. Escaping merely from formality and a mere explanation of the institute itself, this work aims to solve two important questions that arise with its implementation: does the institute apply to processes already underway ?; in relation to crimes committed after its entry into force, which perhaps do not live up to the agreement at the beginning of the prosecution, but which come to fulfill the requirements in the course of the criminal action, will they be entitled to the agreement?
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