Is it possible to import the swiss sealing model into brazilian law under the judge of guarantees ?
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Impartiality, Precautionary measures, Guarantee judge, Sealing, Criminal proceedings, Criminal evidence, Comparative LawAbstract
The Swiss Code of Criminal Procedure, in the chapter dedicated to search and seizure, deals with a right to seal that arises from the principlesnemo tenetur se detegere andin dubio pro sigilo. Within a three-phase, double-judge model, the code guarantees the investigated person (and interested third parties) the right to ask the criminal prosecution authority for seized objects to be immediately sealed. The purpose of sealing is to ensure that no one has contact with the seized material before a court decides on this possibility. This court exercises control over criminal evidence and functions as a court of guarantees. From Comparative Law, the text analyzes the Swiss sealing model and its relationship with the guarantee judge of the Brazilian model, with the aim of assessing the possibility of importing the institute into Brazilian law.
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