Mistreatment vs. “Animalicídio”: the necessary (re) reading of the penal guardianship of animals through the principles of legality and proportionality

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  • José Muniz Neto Universidade de Lisboa - UL - Portugal


Animals, Mistreatment, Animalicide, Principles


Criminal law is presented, every day, new realities, new interests that seek protection space through this legal area. With the guardianship of animals is no different. In spite of movements in other areas of law aimed at protecting these living beings, the need for criminal intervention when violating animals is discussed. This analysis stems, first of all, from a necessary philosophical discussion about the human-animal relationship and how it manifests itself, either in the interest of humans or in a valuative equation of the interests of these two living beings. However, all this assessment of the protection of animals through criminal law, in the current state of the art, needs to be seen in accordance with the present order and the principles embodied in it, as a way of guaranteeing the respect not only of these living beings, but also of those who are subject to criminal prosecution.


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Author Biography

José Muniz Neto, Universidade de Lisboa - UL - Portugal

Mestrando em Direito Penal e Ciências Criminais pela Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. Pós-graduado em
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How to Cite

Muniz Neto, J. (2023). Mistreatment vs. “Animalicídio”: the necessary (re) reading of the penal guardianship of animals through the principles of legality and proportionality . Boletim IBCCRIM, 28(328), 10–13. Retrieved from https://publicacoes.ibccrim.org.br/index.php/boletim_1993/article/view/758