“Anticrime law” and the harmful legal restriction on applicability of the chain of custody of the criminal evidence
Views: 51Keywords:
“Anticrime Law”, Criminal evidence’s chain of custody, Conceptual constraint, Reduced applicability, HarmfulnessAbstract
It is intended to proceed with reflections on the scope of applicability of the chain of custody of the criminal evidence along the lines brought by law 13.964 / 19 – “Anticrime Law” – based on the legal concept brought in the inserted article 158-A of the Criminal Procedure Code. The reflexive path will be made in comparison with both the theoretical settlements on the theme as well as with important manifestations of the Superior Court of Justice that applied its consequential maxims. We will then seek to provoke a discussion about the harmful effects of a possible restriction in the application of the institute due to the limitations arising from the text of the new law and the challenges that tend to arise with such restricted applicability, ending with contributions to possible interpretative possibilities for the new regulation.
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