The (in)constitutionality and the (un)conventionality of pretrial detention only in the basis of recidivism
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Recidivism, Pretrial detention, “Anti-crime Law”Abstract
This article aims to analyze the (in)constitutionality of article 310, §2 of the Brazilian Code of Criminal Procedure, regarding specifically the recidivism as the only basis for the issue or maintenance of pretrial detention. Drawing on the analysis of the Brazilian Constitution, the doctrine and the jurisprudence of the Supreme Federal Court, the conclusion is that the referred pretrial detention is unconstitutional, as it violates, among other constitutional principles, the presumption of innocence. Furthermore, based on the analysis of the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the conclusion is that the aforementioned pretrial detention is also unconventional, as it denotes a rescue of the “Criminal law of the author”.
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