Consensual justice

the suicide of the right to a defense as a virtue

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consensual justice, right to a defense, due process of law, contradictory proceeding


The new model of consensual justice has been defended enthusiastically in doctrine, and, what is worse, in a fatalistic way, to the point that it is often heard that “consensual justice has come to stay”. This brief work will seek to demonstrate that this is exactly what supporters of consensual justice want: through seductive and fatalistic speeches, they want consensual justice to be accepted passively and unreflectively. The fact is that a more reflected and considered analysis of this new model of justice can only lead to a single conclusion: consensual justice, claiming to preserve the right to a defense, to a due process of law and a contradictory proceeding, treacherously eliminates these rights and guarantees of citizens in criminal proceedings.


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Author Biography

Nadir Mazloum, Advocacia

Pós-Graduado lato sensu na Escola Paulista da Magistratura – Especialização em Direito Processual Penal. Advogado. Currículo Lattes:


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DINACCI, Ugo. Saggi di diritto e procedura penale. Roma: Bulzoni, 1977.

FOSCHINI, Gaetano. Sistema del Diritto Processuale Penale. vol. I. 2. ed. Milão: Giuffrè, 1965.

GAROFALO, Rafaelle. Criminologia. Tradução: Julio de Mattos. São Paulo: Teixeira, 1893.

GRAZIANO, Silvestro. La difesa penale nell’istruttoria. 2. ed. Bolonha: Fratelli, 1913.

HÉLIE, Faustin. Traité de l’instruction criminelle. vol. 8. Paris: Charles-Hingray, 1858.

ORTOLAN, Joseph Louis Elzear. Éléments de droit penal. Tomo 2. Paris: Plon, 1875.

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How to Cite

Mazloum, N. (2024). Consensual justice: the suicide of the right to a defense as a virtue. Boletim IBCCRIM, 32(382), 29–31.



Dossiê: Desafios Atuais da Defesa Técnica (Pública e Privada)