The grounds for cumulative offenses

autonomy, legitimacy and legislative requirements

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  • Ítalo de Assis Marqueti Rodrigues Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


Cumulative Delict, Abstract danger, Autonomy, Legal Interest Theory


The present research addresses the fundamentals and criticisms regarding the type of cumulative delicts, structure of delict belonging to the genre of abstract danger, with the objective of assessing the legitimacy of that figure. Traditional fundamentals of moral philosophy (free rider argument) and consequentialism (accumulation argument) were addressed, however a proposal of a fundamental focused on the theory of legal interest was made, considering autonomy as an intrinsic element of collective legal interest. Two criminalization requirements were identified, restricting the legislative production, which are (i) the real potential for accumulation of the prohibited conduct and (ii) the materialization of the damage (autonomy violation) in the case of reiteration of the conducts. 


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Author Biography

Ítalo de Assis Marqueti Rodrigues, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Bacharelando em Direito pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.  


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How to Cite

de Assis Marqueti Rodrigues, Ítalo. (2024). The grounds for cumulative offenses: autonomy, legitimacy and legislative requirements. Boletim IBCCRIM, 30(353), 23–25. Retrieved from
