The judicial review in the ratification of non-criminal prosecution agreement
analysis from habeas corpus 619.751/SP
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Consensual justice, Confirmation by Court, Non-criminal prosecution agreement, Just cause for prosecution, Principle of legalityAbstract
The article starts from the analysis of the jurisprudence started by Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (STJ) in the judgment of HC 619.751/SP, which denied recognition of the principle of insignificance in favor of Habeas Corpus patient who had previously accepted a non-criminal prosecution agreement. The aim is to reflect specifically on one of the denouncing grounds of the writ: the allegation that the granting of the writ of Habeas Corpus would constitute the suppression of an instance. Based on the bibliographic review and jurisprudential analysis, it is intended to understand the scope of judicial control over non-criminal prosecution agreement, and whether the type of crime could be verified in the confirmation or rejection of the agreement. In the end, it is proposed that the non-criminal prosecution agreement should not be ratified before the prosecution’s admissibility, which should lead to a legislative change.
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