Abolishing the exclusionary rule

comparatism and deconstitutionalization of exclusionary rule

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  • Ricardo Jacobsen Gloeckner Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR, Brasil.


Criminal Procedure, Exclusionary Rule, Comparative Law


The article intends to show how comparativism as a methodological tool and the ultimate deconstitutionalization turn of exclusionary rules produced by U.S Supreme  Court are used in a certainly wrong way in criminal procedure. The misuse of comparative law as an epistemologic index has contributed to increase breaches in criminal procedure guarantees, mainly the exclusionary rule protection. The importation of “inclusionary rules” means a disguised operation into the abolition of these kind of evidence rules. 


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Author Biography

Ricardo Jacobsen Gloeckner, Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR, Brasil.

Pós-Doutor pela Universidade Federico II; Doutor em Direito pela UFPR; Mestre em Ciências Criminais pela PUC-RS. Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Criminais da PUC-RS. Coordenador da Especialização em Ciências Penais da PUC-RS. Advogado.


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How to Cite

Jacobsen Gloeckner, R. (2024). Abolishing the exclusionary rule: comparatism and deconstitutionalization of exclusionary rule. Boletim IBCCRIM, 30(357), 28–30. Retrieved from https://publicacoes.ibccrim.org.br/index.php/boletim_1993/article/view/1509