The principle of trust and its applicability in the scope of civil construction: an analysis from the theory of crime
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Principle of trust, Theory of crime, Objective imputation, Duty of care, Liability delimiterAbstract
This article starts from the following question: is it possible to apply the principle of trust, from an inquiry of objective imputation in the theory of crime, in the case of criminal liability in the context of civil construction? Assuming that it is a complex activity, characterized by the division of tasks, it is understood that the principle of trust, and not that of distrust, prevails. Thus, the main object of this study is to demonstrate the contributions of the principle of trust in the field of civil construction, especially in the solution of criminal liability problems. The approach methodology is dialectics, through the confrontation of opposing theoretical discourses. The procedure method favored bibliographic research, centered on criminal dogmatics, in order to demonstrate possible contributions of the principle in question.
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