The principle of insignificance in brazilian jurisprudence
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insignificance, unjust, jurisprudence, punitiveness, capitalismAbstract
The principle of insignificance belongs to the type of unjust. The concept of insignificance cannot be distorted by subjective elements of culpability, as intended by the definition of the STF. The level of insignificance for tax crimes deserves applause, but it suggests raising the insignificance in shoplifting to 50% of the minimum wage. The jurisprudence of central capitalist countries files petty thefts of 75 Euros (R$ 455.00), while the limit in Brazil is 10% of the minimum wage. The structural and institutional transformations of the Brazilian social formation require an urgent review of the principle of insignificance in Brazilian jurisprudence.
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- Academic society
- Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais
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