Motherhood and prison: criminal organization and special prison regime progression in the Superior Court of Justice
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Motherhood, Incarceration, Prison regime progression, Criminal organizationsAbstract
Law 13.769/2018 inserted § 3º in art. 112 of the Penal Execution Law, bringing specific requirements for prison regime progression for pregnant women, mothers or those responsible for children or people with disabilities. The new modality of regime progression has been subject to more or less restrictive interpretations by the Courts, especially regard to item V, § 3º of art. 112, which establishes as a requirement for regime progression that the woman has not joined a criminal organization. In this sense, the present work analyzed the jurisprudence of the Superior Court of Justice, with the objective of understanding how the Court interprets and applies this device and how this may represent an obstacle to the effectiveness of the protection of incarcerated mothers.
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