Racism of the State and Juvenile Criminal Justice: Biopolotic as a conductive wire of a critical analysis
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racism of the State, biopolitics, youth criminal justiceAbstract
This article sought to understand, through Foucault’s form of thought, how the biopolitical theory can reveal the racism of the State behind the concrete action of Brazil’s juvenile Criminal Justice. At first, we’ve established some of main concepts of Foucault’s theory about the biopolitical paradigma. Then, from a historiographic clipping of the eugenic national movements, the social hygiene movement, and racial criminology of the 1870’s and 1945, the consolidation of racism in the biopolitical of governing the Black Brazilian population was found. Finally, a qualitative reading of a 2018 data released by the Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (SINASE), based on the Black and Brown's youth incarceration in Brazil.
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