The role of the public prosecutor’s office in negotiated criminal justice in Brazil
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negotiated criminal justice, civil law, Public Prosecutor’s Office, criminal prosecution, legal orderAbstract
This article aims to analyze the relevance of the Public Prosecutor's Office in the context of Negotiated Criminal Justice in Brazil. To achieve this objective, the compatibility of negotiated justice with the legal system based on civil law is examined, with an emphasis on the issue of the principle of obligation. The historical evolution of the role of the Public Prosecutor's Office in the national legal system and the attributions it currently exercises will also be addressed. The methodology adopted was a detailed analysis and bibliographical research on the subject in question. In the end, the article highlights the crucial role played by the Public Prosecutor's Office in the negotiating sphere of criminal procedure, emphasizing its role as guardian of the legal order and full holder of the criminal prosecution.
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- Academic society
- Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais
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