Chain of custody of evidence to proof:

kidnapping of terms, language change and autonomous communication of the criminal process

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chain of custody, chain of obtaining and control of evidence, criminal proceedings, legal language


Based on the Brazilian identification of the term “cadeia de custódia da prova”, the question arises as to the most appropriate adequacy of the translation into brasilian Portuguese in the use of another compound term that reflects a translation with a structured semantic meaning for Brazil, which would fit as “chain of custody”. From obtaining and controlling proof” since the term presented here carries the conceptual elements adhered to the institute, namely, the sameness and reliability included within the term itself. The term chain of custody, which has an approximate understanding of an element linked to prison, does not go beyond the intended ideas linked to the evidence. From then on, ideas about epistemicide and linguicide were found to function as an element of inquiry about “extension”, denotation, and “intension”, connotation. In the end, the study concludes by confirming the initial hypothesis that the translation came from false cognates in the Spanish language and that the term presented now has a better reflection linked to the communicational ideas linked to the term.


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Author Biographies

Leonardo Costa de Paula, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF - Macaé/RJ

Doutor em Direito pela (UFPR). Professor Adjunto de Direito Processual Penal da UFF. Presidente do Observatório da Mentalidade Inquisitória. Doutor em Direito pela (UFPR). Curriculo Lattes: 

Pâmela Matias, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF - Macaé/RJ

Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal Fluminense. Advogada Criminalista. Currículo Lattes:


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How to Cite

Costa de Paula, L., & Matias, P. (2024). Chain of custody of evidence to proof: : kidnapping of terms, language change and autonomous communication of the criminal process. Boletim IBCCRIM, 32(382), 8–10.
