The new wording of the slanderous denunciation crime and the old sedative and symbolic effect of penal law
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Slanderous denunciation, Legality, Peremptoriness, Rewarded delationAbstract
With the advent of Law 14.110/2020, which amended art. 339 of the Penal Code, the phenomenon of expanding the hypotheses of procedures triggered by false insinuation, as well as of the imputations of illegal acts to be investigated occurred. Under the argument of reducing the subjectivity/amplitude of generic expressions of the legal type and bounding the criminalizing perimeter in compliance with the peremptoriness, other limiting principles such as fragmentation and minimal intervention were sacrificed. In the face of the choleric atmosphere in which rewarded delation is engaged, where lying is an instrument of political pressure that corrupts and contaminates the public environment with the spread of false news, this article analyzes this conflict between increasing the normative scope in favor of accuracy and violating principles in favor of the punitive appeal.
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