The criminal law of the crisis
for the radical reconstruction of the materialist theory of the penalty
Views: 31Keywords:
Penalty, Criminal Law, Capitalist mode of production, CrisisAbstract
The different accumulation and regulation regimes that accompany and underpin the structural bases of societies have, in themselves, a series of specificities, which have not gone unnoticed by those who sought to understand them critically. The capitalist mode of production, in itself, in the secular demand of the analyzes that surround it, does not clashes with this movement. However, the apprehension of the punitive forms that composed it throughout its life, in the contemporary scenario of collapse of post-Fordism, begs for the formulation of a political economy that, critically and dialectically, takes a step forward and takes into account the historical motion. of its structural forms and the crises that characterize it in the most intrinsic way.
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