The state’s evidence in the context of procedural efficiency
the commercialization of virtues and constitutional values
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State’s evidence, Bargain, Criminal procedure, Criminal law, Enemy’s criminal law, Criminal functionalism, Post-democracyAbstract
This paper aims to correlate the anthropological and social phenomenons which subverted the notion of time byturning it nocive to the rapid society nowadays to the voracious seek for efficiency, allowing the citizens' fundamental rights and guarantees are set aside and resulting in the widespread application of the state's evidence. That inexorable tendency to put the bargain as a tool on the criminal law seems to depict the aversion to default slowness of legal procedures besides the appearance of democracy in an omitted State on social programs which intends to make up by increasing the criminal policies' repressive features, disregarding any ethical difficulties and even constitutional contradictions in the application of the state's evidence.
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